RLE Special Issue on
“Experiments in Law and Economics”
The submission deadline is April 15, 2024. Please find more details here or below.
Feel free to forward this email to your network/mailing list, and anyone who might be interested, and don’t hesitate to reach out to me at alice.guerra3@unibo.it if you have any questions.
We are looking forward to receiving your submission!
Alice Guerra
Guest Editor, Review of Law and Economics
Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics, University of Bologna
The Special Issue aims to highlight recent advances in experimental investigations in any topic related to Law and Economics. We invite original research that significantly contributes to understanding how individuals behave, including their responses to legal rules and institutional changes, using behavioral and experimental economics.
The Special Issue is open to:
• Any topic within the field of law and economics
• Any type of controlled experiment (including those in the lab, field, and online)
• Any sample (including diverse populations, contexts, and cultures)
We also welcome meta-analyses, methodological papers, and literature reviews related to experimental law and economics.
Contributions to this RLE Special Issue should be original work that has not been previously published and is not being submitted simultaneously for publication to another journal.
The final submission deadline is March 15, 2024 [Extended to April 15, 2024].
Starting on December 1, 2023, you can submit your paper directly via the RLE website: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dgrle. When submitting your manuscript, please indicate that your paper is for the Special Issue “Experiments in Law and Economics.”
All submissions will go through a standard peer-review process managed by the Guest Editors and are expected to meet the quality standards of articles published in the Review of Law & Economics.
We are looking forward to receiving your submission!
Please reach out to me at alice.guerra3@unibo.it if you have any questions.